About Fairlight

Fairlight is a picturesque suburb on Sydney's Northern Beaches, Australia. Nestled between Manly and Balgowlah, it offers stunning views of Sydney Harbour. Known for its affluent residential character, Fairlight is prized for its proximity to beaches, parks, and vibrant amenities, making it an ideal coastal living destination.
About Fairlight

Suburb Statistics

* Derived from publicly available listing data over a 12 Month period starting September 01, 2023


119 Total number of listingsin the past 12 months
House listings44
Unit listings75
Median Days On Marketin the past 12 months
Average Sales Pricein the past 12 months


6,141 Total Suburb population
Age Range
2,689 Total Private Dwellings
Owned Ratio:82.38%
Rented Ratio:17.52%
Owned Ratio:50.71%
Rented Ratio:49.08%

Housing Market

House Statistics
Total Sold Properties34
Median Days On Market16
Median Sold Price$3,500,000
Rental Yield2.40%
Median Sold Price Growth4.50%
Vacancy Rate2.82%
Auction Clearance Rate62.00%
Unit Statistics
Total Sold Properties51
Median Days On Market19
Median Sold Price$1,500,000
Rental Yield3.10%
Median Sold Price Growth-1.50%
Vacancy Rate1.45%

Listing Count - 12 Months

Sep '23Oct '23Nov '23Dec '23Jan '24Feb '24Mar '24Apr '24May '24Jun '24Jul '24Aug '2402468
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Market Activity in (Fairlight), last 12 months

Suburb listings
Number of Listings*34* House & Units
Suburb Rental Properties
Rental Properties*16* During May 2024
Suburb Sold Properties
Sold Properties*85* House & Units

Lifestyle and Amenities

Coastal Living:

Fairlight offers a laid-back coastal lifestyle with proximity to beautiful beaches, including Fairlight and Manly Beach, providing residents with opportunities for water activities and scenic walks.

Scenic Parks:

Residents enjoy access to scenic parks like Fairlight Beach Reserve and North Harbour Reserve, offering green spaces for picnics, outdoor recreation, and stunning views of Sydney Harbour.

Vibrant Amenities:

The suburb boasts a range of vibrant amenities, including boutique shops, cafes, and restaurants along Fairlight's main streets and nearby Manly Corso, providing a diverse array of entertainment and dining options.

Lifestyle and Amenities
Investment Opportunities

Investment Opportunities

Property Appreciation:

Fairlight's desirable location and coastal charm contribute to property value appreciation, offering the potential for a solid return on real estate investments.

Rental Demand:

With its attractive lifestyle, proximity to beaches, and scenic surroundings, Fairlight experiences a strong demand for rental properties, presenting an opportunity for steady rental income.

Development Potential:

As a sought-after suburb, there may be opportunities for property development or renovation projects, catering to the demand for modern homes and enhancing investment potential in the area.

Unique Characteristics

Harbor Views:

Fairlight is renowned for its breathtaking views of Sydney Harbour, providing residents with a unique and picturesque backdrop that enhances the overall appeal of the suburb.

Historic Charm:

The suburb retains a historic charm with some well-preserved heritage homes, adding character to the community and reflecting the area's rich history amidst the modern coastal lifestyle.

Unique Characteristics